If you have any questions , please contact us by using the contact form. We will be happy to advise you!
We will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Please complete the form or call us on +44 20 3795 2348.
At Xantaro, we place great importance on the security of our systems and data. Our security policies are designed to ensure that any vulnerabilities discovered are reported and fixed responsibly. We are grateful for any information about possible security vulnerabilities.
If you have found a security vulnerability, please report it to us responsibly. Please use the following contact option:
E-Mail: security@xantaro.net
We ask that you give us a reasonable amount of time to investigate and resolve the reported vulnerability before disclosing information about it. This helps us to minimise potential risks and ensure that all our customers remain protected.
Our security team will investigate the reported vulnerability and work on a solution. We will keep you informed of the progress.