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Xantaro Deutschland, the NVL Group with shipyard locations in both the North Sea and the Baltic Sea and the Universities of Augsburg and Emden/Leer are jointly running the research project “Middleware für automatisierte Verwendung von Edge-Ressourcen in Campus-Netzwerken” of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK)). The aim is the application-oriented development of management software for 5G technology in enterprise campus networks.
A reliable, comprehensive and powerful network is the basis for digitization. 5G, the fifth generation of the global mobile communications standard, now enables new possibilities for production sites and facilities, logistics systems and other relevant economic areas by wireless, high-capacity and secure networking. In order to support the utilization of the innovative communication technology, the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Action (BMWK) pushes the joint development and testing of application-related solutions for private 5G networks by a funding program for participants from business and research.
The flagship project “Campus OS” started in the beginning of 2022 and is supplemented by six satellite projects focusing on industry-specific solutions for 5G campus networks in different fields of application. In this context, Xantaro Deutschland, the NVL Group and the two universities of Augsburg and Emden/Leer form the consortium of project “MAVERIC” for the development of a middleware solution for the automated utilization of edge resources in campus networks. The official project start was April 1st, 2022; the joint kick-off meeting takes place on April 7th in Hamburg.
Although Germany is one of the pioneers in the use of private 5G frequencies for so-called “campus networks”, the number of private 5G licenses allocated by the Federal Network Agency has been manageable so far. A reason for this is that even if the possibilities of the carrier-grade technology are extremely versatile in theory, implementation, subsequent operation and management of the resources of an owned 5G campus network require specialist knowledge and technological know-how.
In addition, industrial applications such as the NVL shipyard association cause additional challenges: large shipyards at several locations, ship areas made of metal and mobility during different construction phases and the associated changing Internet/WAN connections via satellite, radio link, fiber optics, etc. form the framework parameters for the campus network.
Together with Xantaro as a specialist in network technology and the universities of Augsburg and Emden/Leer, NVL is therefore validating the utilization of 5G technology under difficult conditions as part of the MAVERIC research project using the example of their shipbuilding environment. The focus is on the development of solutions for edge computing and the intelligent management of connections to the Internet/WAN as well as of 5G campus networks in general. The goal is the development of a middleware platform that enables companies to operate their own networks and applications independently.
“The shipbuilding field of application of the NVL Group represents all scenarios in industry, production and logistics in which the availability, quality and security of data transmission must be consistently guaranteed. We are very pleased about the trust of the BMWK and about being able to contribute with our expertise in network technology and operation to simplify the use of 5G for companies and to support Germany’s role as a technology driver in this area.”
– Gerold Arheilger, CEO der Xantaro Group
The Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Action (BMWK) promotes the development of cutting-edge digital technologies in and for Germany as part of various technology programs. Against the background of the government’s declared goal of taking an international leading role as a technology provider for everything to do with 5G and the perspective successor 6G, the topic of 5G campus networks is a funding priority. Thereby, BMWK is driving the increased implementation of public 5G-based networks as well as the expansion and utilization of private 5G campus networks for the economy. For further information visit https://www.bmwi.de/Redaktion/DE/Pressemitteilungen/2022/02/20220208-staatssekretar-philipp-neues-bmwk-programm-fordert-innovative-losungen-fur-5g-campusnetze.html.
About NVL Group
Die NVL Group ist eine inhabergeführte, unabhängige Unternehmensgruppe mit vier renommierten Werften in Norddeutschland, zusätzlichen Standorten in Australien, Bulgarien und Brunei sowie weiteren maritimen Unternehmen. Unseren anspruchsvollen Kunden bieten wir maßgeschneiderte, intelligente und kosteneffiziente Schiffbaulösungen sowie umfangreiche Services. Damit tragen wir dazu bei, die Deutsche Marine und Navies weltweit jederzeit einsatzbereit zu halten. Die spezifischen Anforderungen und individuellen Erwartungen unserer Kunden sind uns Kompass und Kurs in der präzisen Realisierung qualitativ hochwertiger Marineschiffe und Küstenwachboote. Flankiert werden unsere Neubauaktivitäten von Serviceleistungen über den gesamten Lebenszyklus eines Schiffes. Technologietransfers ermöglichen unseren Kunden weltweit, lizenzierte Fertigungsleistungen auch im eigenen Land auszuführen. Die Unabhängigkeit unserer Werftengruppe erlaubt uns, jederzeit flexibel auf Marktveränderungen zu reagieren. Auf diese Weise bieten wir unseren Kunden, Mitarbeitenden und Partnern ein dynamisches und zukunftsorientiertes Umfeld.
Weitere Informationen unter https://www.nvl.de
About University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer
The University of Applied Sciences (Hochschule) Emden/Leer consists of four faculties. Among these the faculty of technology is by far the largest. The University of Applied Sciences Emden/Leer offers a range of innovative and practically oriented courses at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. Approximately 4600 students are enrolled in 30 degree courses. The research activities are managed and conducted by the institutes “Institut für Informatik, Automatisierungstechnik und Robotik” (I2AR), “Institut für Laser und Optik” (ILO), “Institut für Maschinen- und Anlagenbau“ (MABi) “HochschulInstitut Logistik” (HILOG), “Institut für Integrierte Produktentwicklung” (IIP), “Institut für Medien und Technik” (IMUT), “Institut für Nachrichtentechnik/Kommunikationssysteme” (INK) and “Institut für Energie- und Umwelttechnik” (EUTEC).
Prof. Dr. Dirk Kutscher leads the Networked Systems research group in the faculty of technology. The group is focused on research in Internet technologies and distributed computing, contributing to the continuous evolution of the Internet.
Further information: https://www.hs-emden-leer.de/
About University of Applied Sciences Augsburg
The university offers students the opportunity to gain specialist knowledge and social competence in seven faculties: Liberal Arts and Sciences, Architecture and Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Design, Computer Science, Mechanical and Process Engineering and Business Studies. Each faculty aims to prepare students to the highest standard for their future careers. Our university stands for applied research and development at the highest level. We set new standards for industry, offering our partners customised solutions for their often complex professional requirements. We support companies in the development and optimization of innovative ideas – through consultancy, scientific analysis and research in our state-of-the-art laboratories.
As a central contact point the Institute for Technology and Knowledge Transfer serves, co-ordinating multidisciplinary and cross-faculty research programmes. Every semester professors and students take part in practice-based research and development projects with commercial partners. 90 percent of our bachelor and master theses are earned in companies. Practical orientation pays off: Our students are awarded many prizes for their work.
Further information: https://www.hs-augsburg.de/